ACS 和 Antonov 航空公司 deliver the Americas’ heaviest ever air cargo


上周包机服务公司 巴西和佛罗里达办事处 worked together to charter Antonov 航空公司’ giant AN-225 to carry the heaviest single piece of air cargo to be flown in the Americas.

The huge transformer, which weighed in at 182 tonnes, was flown from São Paulo to Santiago de 智利. From there it was transferred to its final destination, where it is a direct replacement for a damaged transformer in a plant near the capital. 理查德·汤普森, ACS美洲总裁, commented: “The airline has said that it is the second heaviest single piece of cargo that has ever been transported by air 和 the largest to fly in the Americas. The record is a single piece weighing 187.7吨, which was flown from Frankfurt to Yerevan in 2009, making this charter the heaviest piece flown this decade.

“A lot of careful planning went into this operation. 182,000 kilos is more than most cranes’ lifting capacity, 还有一些棘手的尺寸, it took almost four months of discussions between us, 客户端, the airline 和 the airports to plan the charter 和 exactly how we would load 和 offload the cargo.

“The power unit is more than four metres high, 和 that doesn’t include the transportation cradle that it is travelling in. As you can see from the photo, it was a tight fit, even for the world’s largest cargo aircraft. It generated a lot of local attention, with many 巴西ian television networks covering the loading 和 departure.”


For more information, an interview or additional images please contact:
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